12 Dec A Sacred Pause
S T O P. B R E A T H E.
You are amazing and your life is a miracle!
This month’s Sol Path Yoga practice is about taking a SACRED PAUSE.
A sacred pause is….
A moment to stop
and tune into what is present
inside you and around you.
A moment to breathe
and reestablish your connection
to the supportive flow of life.
A moment to see
extraordinary beauty
in ordinary things
that have been here all along.
A moment to choose
where you will place your attention
knowing that your focus will move
your energy and life in that direction.
A moment to step
into your creative power
by aligning your thoughts words and actions
with the authentic yes in your heart.
A moment to awaken
to the simple yet awesome awareness
that you are here on this wild earth plane adventure
for a relatively short period of time.
A moment to appreciate
everything there is
to savor, enjoy and celebrate.
YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOUR LIFE IS A MIRACLE! The simple, yet profound practice of stopping to breathe and be present will remind you of this truth. To help you remember that you can take a Sacred Pause anytime and anywhere, I suggest putting up little signs that say, S T O P. B R E A T H E. E N J O Y.
Of course, your signs can say whatever you like. The key is to remember to pause and be present for the sacredness of your life, your choices and your-self!
Xo, Chara
Photo by Lizzy Sabol
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